Magic at the Biltmore
506 S. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90071
Now you see it . . . now you don’t!
Please join us of Saturday afternoon, February 15, 2025 for a rare opportunity to witness world-renown, close-up magician David Minkin at his Magic at the Biltmore show.
David Minken won the coveted title of International Champion of Magic from the world’s largest organization of magicians and is one of the top corporate entertainers in the world, performing for brands like Google and Microsoft. Our matinee performance provides a rare opportunity to witness his skills in a small, intimate setting. Seating is limited to 89 guests and takes place at the fabulous Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. The 75 to 90 minute spellbinding show includes the merging of solid objects, time travel and mind reading, all linked together in a meaningful narrative.
Learn more about the show and make your reservations ASAP for the magic show using the link below and receive a 15% discount (code CCCA). Registration provides a reserved, assigned seat. So don’t delay - David Minkin’s magic shows almost always sell out!
Pre-Magic Show Lunch at the Historic Smeraldi’s Restaurant
An ala carte lunch is available before the show so plan to join us at Noon at Smeraldi’s Italian Restaurant in the Biltmore Hotel. The link below provides information about the restaurant and its menu:
Times and directions: Plan to meet at Sermaldi’s Restaurant at Noon for an ala carte lunch. Smeraldi’s Restaurant is located in the Biltmore Hotel. David Minkin’s Magic show begins at 2 p.m. for the matinee show.
The Biltmore Hotel is located at 506 S. Grand Avenue in downtown Los Angeles (cross streets: 5th and Grand). The Los Angeles Biltmore is known for being an early home to the Academy Awards ceremony—the Oscars, and the hotel appeared in many iconic films, including Ocean's 11, The Sting, and Chinatown. They have both valet and self-park, and with lunch, parking is validated and reduced to $15 rather than the regular rate of $50.
Event Registration: Purchase your magic show tickets online at the link above, using the code “CCCA” to receive the 15% discount. Then email Fred Lax ( indicating that 1) you have purchased your magic show tickets, and 2) you plan to join us for lunch at Smeraldi’s (which includes parking validation) and 3) the number of people in your party.
Deadline: February 1, 2025
Questions? Contact Fred Lax at (818) 292-7887; email:
Registration deadline: February 1, 2025.
Southern California Region, Lunch and Magic at the Biltmore: Saturday, February 15, 2025
Please confirm via email to Fred Lax (
Name(s). _______________________________
I have purchased my magic show tickets online using code CCCA for the 15% discount _____
I will join the lunch at Smeraldi’s Restaurant_________ (indicate number attending lunch)
Your email registration response will also constitute your agreement to the liability statements on the registration form below:
In consideration of the right to enter and/or participate in the Classic Car Club of Southern California, Inc. events, I/we hereby release the Classic Car Club of Southern California, Inc., a Region of the Classic Car Club of America, the event sponsors, organizers, officials and staff, all other entrants and their guests from any and all liability and claims for injuries, damages or loss arising from my/our entry and participation in the above referenced event. I/we also warrant the I/we will personally abide by all rules and regulations of this event. I understand that there are no refunds after the registration deadline and that each vehicle must have an appropriate working fire extinguisher. Member Signature:____________________________________________________Date:____