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Flying Museum Tour

  • Museum of Flying 3100 Airport Avenue Santa Monica, CA, 90405 United States (map)

Please join us on Sunday, March 17 for a visit to the Museum of Flying in Santa Monica. Located on the site of the original Douglas Aircraft Company plant, the Museum traces the history of the company which was founded by Donald Wills Douglas, Sr. in 1921.

Douglas Aircraft adopted the motto, “"First Around the World – First the World Around,” after answering the request of the United States Army Air Service to produce an aircraft capable of flying around the world. A prototype was delivered in just 45 days at a cost of under $24,000. An order for four production models followed and one of those, the New Orleans, is on display at the Museum of Flying. In addition to military and commercial aircraft, Douglas developed such novelty modes of flight as its 1959 RoadAir which is best described as a flying car and is also on display at the Museum.

Times and directions:

Plan to arrive at the Museum of Flying (3100 Airport Ave., Santa Monica) at 10:30 a.m. for coffee and doughnuts. Museum director Steve Benesch has made us a generous offer: if you drive your Classic, you will be able to park right next to the Museum in a display area normally off limits. Our tour begins at 11 a.m. For more informaiton about the Museum, visit its website:

After our tour we’ll have lunch at The Cloverfield, “Santa Monica’s friendly new restaurant.” It’s about a block from the Museum and we will be allowed to leave our cars parked where they are if we want to walk and we can also return to the Museum after lunch and stay as long as we want at no extra charge. For more information about this restaurant, visits its website:

Cost is $20 per person with the a la carte lunch on your own. Feeling festive? Where green or drive your green Classic in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day.

You must pre-register by March 9, 2024. Along with your pre-payment, please indicate if will be attending lunch and how many.

Registration: Fill out the form at this link & return the bottom portion with your check made payable to Classic Car Club of Southern California to: Gary Carr, 511 La Mesa Place, Pasadena, CA. 91103.

Questions? Call Gary: (213) 924-1932; e-mail:

Earlier Event: March 3
Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance
Later Event: March 20
CCCA National Meet Huntington Beach