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Tech Talk Event and Lunch

  • Voight's Classic Car Care 16522 Hoffa Lane Riverside, CA, 92504 United States (map)

Voigt’s Classic Car Care 16522 Hoffa Lane, Riverside, California. 92504

Have you ever been driving your Classic down a beautiful country road, enjoying the scenery, not a cloud in the sky, wild birds chirping when suddenly strange noises emerge from the engine bay? Or the engine stops with no warning? Or the gearbox starts wining like a two-year-old child begging for another cookie? Of course you have! You own an 80- or 90-year-old temperamental pile of iron that is always looking for ways to surprise and disappoint you.

Fear not, help is on the way! Join us and fellow members of the San Diego/Palm Springs Region for our first Club event of the new year. On January 25, Club members and past Regional Directors Eric Voigt and Steve Snyder will host a tech talk at Eric's restoration shop in Riverside that will address the care and maintenance of your Classic.

All those strange noises and sudden breakdowns will be expertly resolved by Eric and Steve. They promise they'll have all the answers, so bring your list of questions with you. An additional presentation from a representative of Torco USA, Inc. will also be made. Torco manufactures technologically-advanced blended fuels and racing motor oils.

Lunch will be catered by Dad's BBQ, and Eric and Steve will host a wine and beer bar. So bring a healthyappetite with you! The lunch charge is $24 per person with no charge for beer and wine, compliments of Eric and Steve.


ADDRESS: 16522 Hoffa Lane, Riverside, Ca 92505; 10:00AM

QUESTIONS: Contact Paul Whitney, (818) 296-7317